New Chinese Fighter Jet Expected By 2024

New Chinese Fighter Jet Expected By 2024

China is expected to introduce a new fighter jet, known as the J-35, by 2024. The aircraft is being developed by the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group (CAIG) and is expected to be a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter.

The J-35 is reportedly a twin-engine, single-seat, stealth fighter that will feature advanced avionics, sensors, and weapons. It is believed to be based on the J-20 design but with several improvements, including a more powerful engine and a larger weapon bay. The aircraft is expected to have a combat radius of over 1,000 kilometers and a top speed of Mach 2.

New Chinese Fighter Jet Expected By 2024

The new Chinese fighter jet, known as the J-35, is expected to be a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter. Here are 8 important points about the J-35:

  • Twin-engine, single-seat
  • Stealth fighter
  • Advanced avionics and sensors
  • More powerful engine
  • Larger weapon bay
  • Combat radius of over 1,000 kilometers
  • Top speed of Mach 2
  • Expected to enter service by 2024

The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region.

Twin-engine, single-seat

The J-35 is a twin-engine, single-seat fighter jet. This means that it has two engines and is flown by a single pilot.

There are several advantages to having a twin-engine fighter jet. First, it provides redundancy in case one engine fails. This makes the aircraft more reliable and less likely to be lost in an emergency. Second, twin engines provide more power, which gives the aircraft better performance, such as a faster top speed and a higher climb rate.

Having a single-seat design also has some advantages. It makes the aircraft lighter and more maneuverable, which is important for air-to-air combat. Additionally, a single-seat design reduces the cost of the aircraft and makes it easier to maintain.

Overall, the J-35’s twin-engine, single-seat design is a good compromise between performance, reliability, and cost.

The J-35 is expected to be a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter. It is believed to have a more powerful engine, a larger weapon bay, and a more advanced radar system. The J-35 is also expected to be more stealthy than the J-20, making it more difficult for enemy radar to detect.

Stealth fighter

The J-35 is a stealth fighter, meaning that it is designed to be difficult to detect by enemy radar. This is achieved through a combination of shaping, materials, and coatings.

The J-35’s shape is designed to minimize radar reflections. This is done by using smooth, curved surfaces and avoiding sharp angles. The aircraft also has a number of features that help to absorb radar waves, such as radar-absorbent materials (RAM) and a serrated skin.

In addition to its shape and materials, the J-35 also uses a number of electronic warfare systems to help it avoid detection. These systems can jam enemy radar and make it more difficult for the aircraft to be tracked.

Overall, the J-35 is a very stealthy aircraft. It is expected to be much more difficult to detect than the current J-20 fighter, making it more difficult for enemy aircraft to engage it in combat.

The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force. It is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region.

Advanced avionics and sensors

The J-35 is expected to be equipped with advanced avionics and sensors, which will give it a significant advantage in combat.

The aircraft’s avionics are expected to include a new integrated flight and fire control system, which will allow the pilot to control the aircraft and its weapons more effectively. The J-35 is also expected to be equipped with a new radar system, which will provide it with better situational awareness and target tracking capabilities.

In addition to its advanced avionics, the J-35 is also expected to be equipped with a number of new sensors, including an infrared search and track (IRST) system and a distributed aperture system (DAS). These sensors will give the pilot a better view of the battlespace and will help the aircraft to detect and track enemy aircraft more effectively.

Overall, the J-35’s advanced avionics and sensors are expected to give it a significant advantage in combat. The aircraft will be able to detect and track enemy aircraft more effectively, and it will be able to use its weapons more accurately.

The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force. It is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region.

More powerful engine

The J-35 is expected to be equipped with a more powerful engine than the current J-20 fighter. This will give the aircraft a number of advantages, including:

  • Increased speed and acceleration

    A more powerful engine will allow the J-35 to fly faster and accelerate more quickly. This will give the aircraft an advantage in combat, as it will be able to outmaneuver and outrun enemy aircraft.

  • Increased climb rate

    A more powerful engine will also allow the J-35 to climb more quickly. This will give the aircraft an advantage in gaining altitude, which can be important for both offensive and defensive maneuvers.

  • Increased thrust-to-weight ratio

    A more powerful engine will give the J-35 a higher thrust-to-weight ratio. This will make the aircraft more maneuverable and will allow it to carry more weapons or fuel.

  • Increased range

    A more powerful engine will also give the J-35 a longer range. This will allow the aircraft to fly further without having to refuel, which will give it a greater operational reach.

Overall, the J-35’s more powerful engine is expected to give it a significant advantage in combat. The aircraft will be able to fly faster, climb higher, and maneuver more effectively than its opponents.

Larger weapon bay

The J-35 is expected to have a larger weapon bay than the current J-20 fighter. This will allow the aircraft to carry more weapons, which will give it a significant advantage in combat.

The J-35’s larger weapon bay will allow it to carry a wider variety of weapons, including air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles, and bombs. This will give the aircraft the flexibility to engage a variety of targets, from enemy aircraft to ground targets.

The J-35’s larger weapon bay will also allow it to carry more fuel. This will give the aircraft a longer range, which will allow it to fly further without having to refuel. This will give the J-35 a greater operational reach and will allow it to participate in missions that are further away from its home base.

Overall, the J-35’s larger weapon bay is a significant advantage. It will allow the aircraft to carry more weapons and fuel, which will give it a greater combat radius and a wider range of mission options.

The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force. It is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region.

Combat radius of over 1,000 kilometers

The J-35 is expected to have a combat radius of over 1,000 kilometers. This is a significant improvement over the current J-20 fighter, which has a combat radius of around 800 kilometers.

  • Increased operational reach

    A combat radius of over 1,000 kilometers will give the J-35 a greater operational reach. This will allow the aircraft to fly further from its home base and still be able to engage targets. This will give the Chinese air force greater flexibility in how it deploys its fighter jets.

  • Ability to participate in missions further away

    A combat radius of over 1,000 kilometers will also allow the J-35 to participate in missions that are further away from its home base. This will give the Chinese air force the ability to project power over a wider area.

  • Ability to refuel in the air

    The J-35 is also expected to be equipped with an air-to-air refueling system. This will allow the aircraft to refuel in the air, which will further extend its range.

  • Greater flexibility and endurance

    Overall, the J-35’s combat radius of over 1,000 kilometers will give the Chinese air force greater flexibility and endurance. The aircraft will be able to fly further, stay in the air longer, and engage targets at a greater distance.

The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force. It is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region.

Top speed of Mach 2

The J-35 is expected to have a top speed of Mach 2. This is the same top speed as the current J-20 fighter.

  • High speed for air-to-air combat

    A top speed of Mach 2 is very high for air-to-air combat. This will give the J-35 an advantage over enemy aircraft that have a lower top speed. The J-35 will be able to outrun and outmaneuver its opponents, making it difficult for them to engage it in combat.

  • Ability to intercept enemy aircraft

    A top speed of Mach 2 will also give the J-35 the ability to intercept enemy aircraft that are flying at high speeds. This will make it difficult for enemy aircraft to penetrate Chinese airspace undetected.

  • Supersonic flight

    The J-35 will be capable of supersonic flight, which means that it will be able to fly faster than the speed of sound. This will give the aircraft a significant advantage in combat, as it will be able to close on enemy aircraft quickly and launch its weapons before they have a chance to react.

  • Greater flexibility

    Overall, the J-35’s top speed of Mach 2 will give it greater flexibility and combat effectiveness. The aircraft will be able to engage a wider range of targets and will be able to do so at high speeds.

The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force. It is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region.

Expected to enter service by 2024

The J-35 is expected to enter service with the Chinese air force by 2024. This is a relatively short timeframe for the development of a new fighter jet, and it indicates that the Chinese government is prioritizing the development of this aircraft.

  • Rapid development timeline

    The rapid development timeline for the J-35 is a sign of the Chinese government’s commitment to modernizing its military. The Chinese government is investing heavily in the development of new weapons and technologies, and the J-35 is a key part of this effort.

  • Importance of the J-35 program

    The J-35 program is a major priority for the Chinese government. The aircraft is expected to be a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter, and it is likely to play a major role in the Chinese air force’s future operations.

  • China’s growing military power

    The development of the J-35 is a sign of China’s growing military power. China is rapidly modernizing its military, and the J-35 is just one example of this. China is becoming a major military power, and the J-35 is a symbol of this growing power.

  • Implications for the region

    The development of the J-35 has implications for the security of the Asia-Pacific region. China is a major power in the region, and the development of the J-35 will likely lead to increased tensions between China and its neighbors. The J-35 is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter, and it is likely to give China a significant advantage in the air.

The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force. It is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the new Chinese fighter jet, the J-35:

Question 1: When is the J-35 expected to enter service?
Answer: The J-35 is expected to enter service with the Chinese air force by 2024.

Question 2: What are the key features of the J-35?
Answer: The J-35 is a twin-engine, single-seat, stealth fighter with advanced avionics and sensors. It is expected to have a combat radius of over 1,000 kilometers and a top speed of Mach 2.

Question 3: How will the J-35 compare to other fighter jets in the region?
Answer: The J-35 is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region. It is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter and is likely to give China a significant advantage in the air.

Question 4: What are the implications of the J-35 for the security of the Asia-Pacific region?
Answer: The development of the J-35 has implications for the security of the Asia-Pacific region. China is a major power in the region, and the development of the J-35 will likely lead to increased tensions between China and its neighbors.

Question 5: How does the J-35 compare to the F-35 fighter jet?
Answer: The J-35 is similar to the F-35 in terms of its capabilities. Both aircraft are stealth fighters with advanced avionics and sensors. However, the J-35 is expected to have a longer range and a higher top speed than the F-35.

Question 6: What is the significance of the J-35 for China?
Answer: The development of the J-35 is a sign of China’s growing military power. China is rapidly modernizing its military, and the J-35 is just one example of this. China is becoming a major military power, and the J-35 is a symbol of this growing power.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the new Chinese fighter jet, the J-35. As more information becomes available, we will update this FAQ.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some additional tips for learning more about the J-35:


Here are some tips for learning more about the new Chinese fighter jet, the J-35:

Read online articles and news stories

There are many online articles and news stories about the J-35. Reading these articles can help you learn more about the aircraft’s development, capabilities, and significance.

Watch videos about the J-35

There are also many videos about the J-35 available online. Watching these videos can help you see the aircraft in action and learn more about its features.

Follow experts on social media

Many experts on military aviation and China’s military are active on social media. Following these experts can help you stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments related to the J-35.

Attend air shows and exhibitions

If you have the opportunity, attending air shows and exhibitions is a great way to see the J-35 up close and learn more about its capabilities. You can also talk to experts and ask questions about the aircraft.

These are just a few tips for learning more about the new Chinese fighter jet, the J-35. By following these tips, you can stay informed about the latest developments and learn more about this important aircraft.

The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region. As more information becomes available about the aircraft, we will update this article and provide additional tips for learning more about it.


The J-35 is a major development for the Chinese air force and is expected to be a formidable opponent for other fighter jets in the region. The aircraft is a significant upgrade over the current J-20 fighter and is expected to have a number of advantages, including a more powerful engine, a larger weapon bay, a longer combat radius, and a higher top speed.

The development of the J-35 is a sign of China’s growing military power. China is rapidly modernizing its military, and the J-35 is just one example of this. China is becoming a major military power, and the J-35 is a symbol of this growing power.

The J-35 is expected to enter service with the Chinese air force by 2024. The aircraft is likely to play a major role in China’s future military operations and is expected to be a significant factor in the security of the Asia-Pacific region.

The development of the J-35 is a reminder that China is a rising military power. The Chinese government is investing heavily in the development of new weapons and technologies, and the J-35 is just one example of this. China is becoming a major military power, and the world needs to take notice.

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