Marathon New York 2024

Marathon New York 2024

The TCS New York City Marathon is an annual marathon that takes place in New York City. It is one of the most prestigious marathons in the world, and it is one of the Abbott Marathon Majors. The 2024 TCS New York City Marathon will be held on Sunday, November 3, 2024. The marathon will start in Staten Island and finish in Central Park. The marathon is open to runners of all ages and abilities. The marathon is also open to wheelchair racers and handcyclists.

The TCS New York City Marathon is a qualifying race for the Olympic Games. It is also a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. The marathon is also a popular race for charity runners. Many runners raise money for charities by running the marathon. The money raised by charity runners is used to support a variety of causes.

Marathon New York 2024

Here are 10 important points about the Marathon New York 2024:

  • Date: Sunday, November 3, 2024
  • Start: Staten Island
  • Finish: Central Park
  • Qualifying race for the Olympic Games
  • Qualifying race for the Boston Marathon
  • Open to runners of all ages and abilities
  • Open to wheelchair racers and handcyclists
  • Popular race for charity runners
  • Crowds of spectators
  • Prestigious marathon

The Marathon New York 2024 is a great opportunity to experience the excitement of a major marathon. The race is open to runners of all levels, so whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned runner, you can participate in this iconic event.

Date: Sunday, November 3, 2024

The Marathon New York 2024 will be held on Sunday, November 3, 2024. This date is significant for several reasons:

  • Fall marathon: The Marathon New York is traditionally held in the fall, and November 3rd is a typical date for the race. The fall weather in New York City is generally mild, with average temperatures in the mid-50s Fahrenheit (low to mid-teens Celsius). This makes for ideal running conditions, as the runners are not likely to overheat or get too cold.
  • Avoids conflict with other major marathons: November 3rd is also a date that avoids conflict with other major marathons. The Boston Marathon is held in April, the London Marathon is held in October, and the Chicago Marathon is held in October. Holding the Marathon New York in November ensures that runners can participate in multiple major marathons in a single year without having to worry about scheduling conflicts.
  • Provides ample time for training: The Marathon New York is a challenging race, and runners need ample time to train for it. Holding the race in November gives runners nearly a year to prepare for the event. This provides runners with enough time to build up their endurance, strength, and speed.
  • Iconic event: The Marathon New York is an iconic event that attracts runners from all over the world. Holding the race on a Sunday ensures that as many people as possible can participate in the event. Sundays are typically days off for most people, so runners can travel to New York City and participate in the race without having to worry about taking time off from work or school.

The Marathon New York 2024 is a major event that attracts runners from all over the world. The race is held on a Sunday in November, which provides runners with ample time to train for the event and ensures that there is no conflict with other major marathons.

Start: Staten Island

The Marathon New York 2024 will start on Staten Island, which is the southernmost borough of New York City. Staten Island is connected to the rest of New York City by the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, which is the starting line for the marathon.

The marathon will start in waves, with the first wave starting at 9:40 AM and the last wave starting at 11:00 AM. Runners will be assigned to a wave based on their qualifying time or predicted finish time. The starting line will be located on Fort Wadsworth, which is a historic military base on the eastern shore of Staten Island.

The first few miles of the marathon will take runners through the streets of Staten Island, including the neighborhoods of Fort Wadsworth, Grymes Hill, and St. George. Runners will then cross the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge into Brooklyn, where they will continue on their way to the finish line in Central Park.

Starting the marathon on Staten Island provides several advantages. First, it allows the runners to start the race in a relatively uncongested area. This helps to prevent overcrowding and ensures that the runners can get off to a smooth start. Second, starting the race on Staten Island provides the runners with a scenic view of the New York City skyline as they cross the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge. This can help to motivate the runners and get them excited for the race ahead.

Finish: Central Park

The Marathon New York 2024 will finish in Central Park, which is a large, urban park in the heart of Manhattan. Central Park is known for its beautiful scenery, including its trees, lakes, and bridges. The marathon finish line will be located on Central Park South, near the Plaza Hotel.

The marathon finish line is a popular destination for runners and spectators alike. Runners are often greeted by family and friends as they cross the finish line. Spectators line the streets of Central Park to cheer on the runners and witness the excitement of the finish line.

Finishing the marathon in Central Park provides several advantages. First, it provides the runners with a scenic and iconic finish line. Central Park is a beautiful setting for a marathon finish, and it provides the runners with a sense of accomplishment as they cross the finish line in such a prestigious location.

Second, finishing the marathon in Central Park allows the runners to take advantage of the park’s amenities. After crossing the finish line, runners can relax in the park, enjoy the scenery, and celebrate their accomplishment with family and friends.

  • Iconic finish line: The Marathon New York finish line in Central Park is one of the most iconic finish lines in the world. It is a place where dreams are realized and goals are achieved.
  • Beautiful setting: Central Park is a beautiful setting for a marathon finish. The park’s trees, lakes, and bridges provide a scenic backdrop for the runners as they cross the finish line.
  • Convenient location: Central Park is conveniently located in the heart of Manhattan. This makes it easy for runners and spectators to get to the finish line.
  • Amenities: Central Park offers a variety of amenities for runners and spectators, including restrooms, water fountains, and food vendors.

Qualifying race for the Olympic Games

The Marathon New York 2024 is a qualifying race for the Olympic Games. This means that runners who meet the qualifying standards at the Marathon New York 2024 will be eligible to participate in the marathon at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France.

The qualifying standards for the Olympic Games are set by World Athletics, the international governing body for athletics. The qualifying standards for the men’s marathon is 2:11:30, and the qualifying standard for the women’s marathon is 2:29:30. Runners who meet these standards at the Marathon New York 2024 will be eligible to participate in the Olympic Games, provided they meet all other eligibility requirements.

  • Prestige: The Marathon New York is one of the most prestigious marathons in the world. It is a major goal for many runners, and it is a great opportunity to qualify for the Olympic Games.
  • Competitive field: The Marathon New York attracts a competitive field of runners. This provides runners with a great opportunity to test themselves against some of the best runners in the world.
  • Fast course: The Marathon New York course is relatively flat and fast. This provides runners with a good opportunity to run a fast time and qualify for the Olympic Games.
  • Experience: The Marathon New York is a great experience for runners of all levels. The race offers a unique opportunity to run through the streets of New York City and experience the excitement of a major marathon.

If you are a runner who is hoping to qualify for the Olympic Games, the Marathon New York 2024 is a great opportunity to achieve your goal. The race offers a competitive field, a fast course, and a prestigious atmosphere. If you are able to meet the qualifying standards at the Marathon New York 2024, you will be well on your way to representing your country at the Olympic Games.

Qualifying race for the Boston Marathon

The Marathon New York 2024 is also a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. The Boston Marathon is one of the most prestigious marathons in the world, and it is a major goal for many runners. The Boston Marathon qualifying standards are based on age and gender, and they are relatively strict. In order to qualify for the Boston Marathon, runners must meet the qualifying standard for their age group at a qualifying race. The Marathon New York 2024 is one of the qualifying races for the Boston Marathon, and it is a great opportunity for runners to achieve their goal of running the Boston Marathon.

The Boston Marathon qualifying standards are as follows:

  • Men’s qualifying standards: 18-34: 3:05:00; 35-39: 3:10:00; 40-44: 3:15:00; 45-49: 3:20:00; 50-54: 3:25:00; 55-59: 3:30:00; 60-64: 3:35:00; 65-69: 3:40:00; 70-74: 3:45:00; 75-79: 3:50:00; 80+: 4:00:00
  • Women’s qualifying standards: 18-34: 3:30:00; 35-39: 3:35:00; 40-44: 3:40:00; 45-49: 3:45:00; 50-54: 3:50:00; 55-59: 3:55:00; 60-64: 4:00:00; 65-69: 4:05:00; 70-74: 4:10:00; 75-79: 4:15:00; 80+: 4:25:00

If you are a runner who is hoping to qualify for the Boston Marathon, the Marathon New York 2024 is a great opportunity to achieve your goal. The race offers a competitive field, a fast course, and a prestigious atmosphere. If you are able to meet the qualifying standard for your age group at the Marathon New York 2024, you will be well on your way to running the Boston Marathon.

Open to runners of all ages and abilities

The Marathon New York 2024 is open to runners of all ages and abilities. This means that anyone can participate in the race, regardless of their age, fitness level, or experience. The Marathon New York is a great opportunity for runners of all levels to challenge themselves and achieve their goals.

If you are a beginner runner, the Marathon New York is a great place to start your marathon journey. The race offers a variety of training programs and resources to help you prepare for the race. You can also find support from other runners in the Marathon New York community.

If you are an experienced runner, the Marathon New York is a great opportunity to test your limits and achieve your personal best. The race offers a competitive field and a fast course. You can also find support from other experienced runners in the Marathon New York community.

No matter your age or ability, the Marathon New York 2024 is a great opportunity to experience the excitement of a major marathon. The race offers something for everyone, and it is a great way to challenge yourself and achieve your goals.

Here are some tips for runners of all ages and abilities:

  • Start training early: The Marathon New York is a challenging race, so it is important to start training early. This will give you plenty of time to build up your endurance and strength.
  • Follow a training plan: There are a variety of training plans available online and in books. Following a training plan will help you stay on track and avoid injuries.
  • Listen to your body: It is important to listen to your body and rest when you need to. Don’t try to push yourself too hard, especially if you are new to running.
  • Stay hydrated: It is important to stay hydrated, especially during long runs. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your runs.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet will help you fuel your training and recover from your runs.
  • Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep will help you recover from your runs and prepare for your next run.
  • Cross-train: Cross-training can help you improve your running and reduce your risk of injuries. Try activities such as swimming, cycling, and strength training.
  • Find a running buddy: Running with a friend can help you stay motivated and accountable.
  • Have fun: Running should be enjoyable. Find a way to make running fun for yourself, and you are more likely to stick with it.

Open to wheelchair racers and handcyclists

The Marathon New York 2024 is open to wheelchair racers and handcyclists. This means that athletes with disabilities can participate in the race and compete for prizes. The Marathon New York is one of the few major marathons that offers a division for wheelchair racers and handcyclists.

Wheelchair racers and handcyclists have their own starting line and finish line. They also have their own set of qualifying standards. The qualifying standards for wheelchair racers and handcyclists are based on their previous race times. Athletes who meet the qualifying standards are eligible to participate in the Marathon New York.

The Marathon New York is a challenging race for wheelchair racers and handcyclists. The course is hilly and crowded. However, the athletes who participate in the race are determined to overcome these challenges and achieve their goals.

The Marathon New York is a great opportunity for wheelchair racers and handcyclists to compete at the highest level. The race offers a competitive field and a prestigious atmosphere. It is also a great opportunity for these athletes to inspire others and show the world that anything is possible.

Here are some tips for wheelchair racers and handcyclists:

  • Start training early: The Marathon New York is a challenging race, so it is important to start training early. This will give you plenty of time to build up your endurance and strength.
  • Follow a training plan: There are a variety of training plans available online and in books. Following a training plan will help you stay on track and avoid injuries.
  • Listen to your body: It is important to listen to your body and rest when you need to. Don’t try to push yourself too hard, especially if you are new to wheelchair racing or handcycling.
  • Stay hydrated: It is important to stay hydrated, especially during long races. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your races.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet will help you fuel your training and recover from your races.
  • Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep will help you recover from your races and prepare for your next race.
  • Cross-train: Cross-training can help you improve your wheelchair racing or handcycling and reduce your risk of injuries. Try activities such as swimming, cycling, and strength training.
  • Find a training partner: Training with a partner can help you stay motivated and accountable.
  • Have fun: Wheelchair racing and handcycling should be enjoyable. Find a way to make it fun for yourself, and you are more likely to stick with it.

Popular race for charity runners

The Marathon New York 2024 is a popular race for charity runners. Charity runners are runners who raise money for a charitable organization by running the marathon. The Marathon New York is one of the most popular races for charity runners in the world. In 2023, charity runners raised over $50 million for various charities.

There are many reasons why runners choose to run the Marathon New York as a charity runner. Some runners choose to run for a charity that is close to their heart. Others choose to run for a charity that is working to make a difference in the world. No matter what the reason, charity runners are making a positive impact on the world by raising money for important causes.

If you are interested in running the Marathon New York 2024 as a charity runner, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to choose a charity to run for. There are many different charities that you can choose from. Once you have chosen a charity, you need to register for the race and set up a fundraising page.

Once you have registered for the race and set up a fundraising page, you can start fundraising. There are many different ways to raise money for your charity. You can ask your friends and family to donate to your page. You can also host fundraising events. The more money you raise, the more money your charity will receive.

Running the Marathon New York as a charity runner is a great way to make a difference in the world. You can help your charity raise money for important causes, and you can also achieve your personal goal of running a marathon.

Crowds of spectators

The Marathon New York 2024 will attract crowds of spectators from all over the world. The race is one of the most popular sporting events in the world, and it is a great opportunity for spectators to see some of the best runners in the world compete. The Marathon New York course is lined with spectators from start to finish, and the atmosphere is electric.

Spectators play an important role in the Marathon New York. They provide the runners with motivation and support. The cheers of the spectators can help the runners to push through the pain and fatigue. The spectators also create a sense of community and excitement. The Marathon New York is a celebration of running, and the spectators are a big part of that celebration.

If you are planning to attend the Marathon New York 2024 as a spectator, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, the race is very popular, so it is important to arrive early to get a good spot. Second, the weather in New York City in November can be unpredictable, so be sure to dress accordingly. Third, the race course is long, so be prepared to walk or take public transportation to get to your viewing spot.

Attending the Marathon New York as a spectator is a great way to experience the excitement of a major sporting event. You will see some of the best runners in the world compete, and you will be part of a community of spectators who are cheering them on. The Marathon New York is a truly special event, and it is one that you will never forget.

Prestigious marathon

The Marathon New York 2024 is a prestigious marathon. It is one of the Abbott Marathon Majors, which are the six most prestigious marathons in the world. The other Abbott Marathon Majors are the Tokyo Marathon, the Boston Marathon, the London Marathon, the Berlin Marathon, and the Chicago Marathon.

  • History: The Marathon New York was first held in 1970, and it has been held every year since then. The race has a long and storied history, and it has been won by some of the greatest runners in the world, including Bill Rodgers, Grete Waitz, and Paula Radcliffe.
  • Competition: The Marathon New York attracts a competitive field of runners from all over the world. The race is often won by a narrow margin, and the top finishers are usually within seconds of each other.
  • Course: The Marathon New York course is challenging, but it is also fair. The course is mostly flat, but there are a few hills that can make the race difficult. The course also passes through some of the most iconic landmarks in New York City, including Central Park and Times Square.
  • Atmosphere: The Marathon New York has an electric atmosphere. The race is cheered on by crowds of spectators from start to finish. The finish line is located in Central Park, and the runners are greeted by a sea of cheering fans.

The Marathon New York 2024 is a prestigious marathon that attracts a competitive field of runners and offers a challenging but fair course. The race has a long and storied history, and it is cheered on by crowds of spectators from start to finish. If you are a runner, the Marathon New York is a must-do race.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Marathon New York 2024:

Question 1: What is the date of the Marathon New York 2024?
Answer 1: The Marathon New York 2024 will be held on Sunday, November 3, 2024.

Question 2: Where does the Marathon New York start and finish?
Answer 2: The Marathon New York starts on Staten Island and finishes in Central Park.

Question 3: What is the qualifying time for the Marathon New York 2024?
Answer 3: The qualifying times for the Marathon New York 2024 are based on age and gender. For more information, please visit the Marathon New York website.

Question 4: How can I register for the Marathon New York 2024?
Answer 4: Registration for the Marathon New York 2024 will open in the fall of 2023. For more information, please visit the Marathon New York website.

Question 5: What is the cost of registration for the Marathon New York 2024?
Answer 5: The cost of registration for the Marathon New York 2024 has not yet been announced. For more information, please visit the Marathon New York website.

Question 6: What are the benefits of running the Marathon New York 2024?
Answer 6: The benefits of running the Marathon New York 2024 include the opportunity to run one of the most prestigious marathons in the world, to qualify for the Olympic Games or the Boston Marathon, and to experience the excitement of running through the streets of New York City.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful. For more information, please visit the Marathon New York website.

**Transition paragraph from FAQ section to tips section:**

Now that you know all about the Marathon New York 2024, it’s time to start planning your race. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for and run your best marathon:


Here are a few tips to help you prepare for and run your best Marathon New York 2024:

Tip 1: Start training early. The Marathon New York is a challenging race, so it is important to start training early. This will give you plenty of time to build up your endurance and strength.

Tip 2: Follow a training plan. There are a variety of training plans available online and in books. Following a training plan will help you stay on track and avoid injuries.

Tip 3: Listen to your body. It is important to listen to your body and rest when you need to. Don’t try to push yourself too hard, especially if you are new to running.

Tip 4: Stay hydrated. It is important to stay hydrated, especially during long runs. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your runs.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

Following these tips will help you prepare for and run your best Marathon New York 2024. Remember to start training early, follow a training plan, listen to your body, and stay hydrated. With proper preparation, you can achieve your goal of running the Marathon New York.

**Transition paragraph from tips section to conclusion section:**

The Marathon New York is a challenging but rewarding race. With proper preparation, you can achieve your goal of running the Marathon New York. We wish you all the best in your training and racing.


The Marathon New York 2024 is one of the most prestigious and challenging marathons in the world. The race attracts a competitive field of runners from all over the world, and it offers a challenging but fair course. The Marathon New York is also a popular race for charity runners, and it is a great opportunity to make a difference in the world while achieving your personal goal of running a marathon.

If you are thinking about running the Marathon New York 2024, it is important to start training early and follow a training plan. The race is challenging, but it is achievable with proper preparation. We wish you all the best in your training and racing.

**Closing Message:**

Whether you are a seasoned runner or a first-time marathoner, the Marathon New York 2024 is a race that you will never forget. The race is a celebration of running and community, and it is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.

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