Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024

Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is a religious calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is based on the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar used in most of the world.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 begins on September 1, 2023, and ends on August 31, 2024. It includes all of the major Christian holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost. The calendar also includes the names of saints and other important religious figures.

The following table shows the major holidays in the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024:

Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is a religious calendar used by the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is based on the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar used in most of the world.

  • Begins on September 1, 2023
  • Ends on August 31, 2024
  • Includes major Christian holidays
  • Lists names of saints and religious figures
  • Based on the Julian calendar
  • 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar
  • Used by the Eastern Orthodox Church
  • Includes fasting periods
  • Provides guidance for religious observances
  • Important for Orthodox Christians

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith throughout the year.

Begins on September 1, 2023

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 begins on September 1, 2023, according to the Julian calendar. This is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most of the world. The Julian calendar is an older calendar that was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. It is based on a solar year of 365.25 days, which is slightly longer than the actual solar year. As a result, the Julian calendar gradually drifts out of sync with the astronomical seasons.

The Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII to correct the errors of the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is based on a solar year of 365.2425 days, which is closer to the actual solar year. The Gregorian calendar also includes a leap year every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400. This prevents the calendar from drifting out of sync with the astronomical seasons.

The Greek Orthodox Church continues to use the Julian calendar for religious purposes. This is because the Julian calendar is more closely aligned with the traditional liturgical practices of the Orthodox Church. For example, the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on December 25th according to the Julian calendar, which is January 7th on the Gregorian calendar.

The difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars can be confusing, but it is important to remember that the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 begins on September 1, 2023, according to the Julian calendar.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith throughout the year.

Ends on August 31, 2024

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 ends on August 31, 2024, according to the Julian calendar. This is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, which is used in most of the world. The Julian calendar is an older calendar that was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. It is based on a solar year of 365.25 days, which is slightly longer than the actual solar year. As a result, the Julian calendar gradually drifts out of sync with the astronomical seasons.

The Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII to correct the errors of the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is based on a solar year of 365.2425 days, which is closer to the actual solar year. The Gregorian calendar also includes a leap year every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400. This prevents the calendar from drifting out of sync with the astronomical seasons.

The Greek Orthodox Church continues to use the Julian calendar for religious purposes. This is because the Julian calendar is more closely aligned with the traditional liturgical practices of the Orthodox Church. For example, the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on December 25th according to the Julian calendar, which is January 7th on the Gregorian calendar.

The difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars can be confusing, but it is important to remember that the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 ends on August 31, 2024, according to the Julian calendar.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith throughout the year.

Includes major Christian holidays

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 includes all of the major Christian holidays. These holidays commemorate important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the history of the Church.

  • Christmas

    Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is one of the most important holidays in the Christian calendar. The Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on December 25th according to the Julian calendar, which is January 7th on the Gregorian calendar.

  • Easter

    Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most important holiday in the Christian calendar. The Orthodox Church celebrates Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox. This means that the date of Easter changes from year to year.

  • Pentecost

    Pentecost celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. It is one of the most important holidays in the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church celebrates Pentecost on the 50th day after Easter.

  • The Dormition of the Theotokos

    The Dormition of the Theotokos celebrates the death of the Virgin Mary. It is one of the most important holidays in the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15th.

These are just a few of the major Christian holidays that are included in the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024. The calendar also includes a number of other important feasts and commemorations.

Lists names of saints and religious figures

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 lists the names of saints and religious figures who are commemorated throughout the year. These saints and religious figures include:

  • Apostles: The apostles were the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. They are considered to be the founders of the Christian Church.
  • Martyrs: Martyrs are people who have died for their faith in Christ. They are considered to be saints because they have given their lives for the sake of the Gospel.
  • Confessors: Confessors are people who have suffered for their faith in Christ without dying. They are considered to be saints because they have remained faithful to Christ in the face of persecution.
  • Hierarchs: Hierarchs are bishops and other high-ranking clergy. They are considered to be saints because they have served the Church faithfully and have taught the true faith.
  • Monastics: Monastics are people who have dedicated their lives to God through prayer and contemplation. They are considered to be saints because they have renounced the world and have lived a life of holiness.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 also includes the names of other important religious figures, such as the Virgin Mary, the angels, and the prophets. These figures are all considered to be saints because they have played an important role in the history of salvation.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is a valuable resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides a way to remember the saints and religious figures who have come before us and to learn from their example.

Based on the Julian calendar

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is based on the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar is an older calendar that was introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. It is based on a solar year of 365.25 days, which is slightly longer than the actual solar year. As a result, the Julian calendar gradually drifts out of sync with the astronomical seasons.

The Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII to correct the errors of the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar is based on a solar year of 365.2425 days, which is closer to the actual solar year. The Gregorian calendar also includes a leap year every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400. This prevents the calendar from drifting out of sync with the astronomical seasons.

The Greek Orthodox Church continues to use the Julian calendar for religious purposes. This is because the Julian calendar is more closely aligned with the traditional liturgical practices of the Orthodox Church. For example, the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on December 25th according to the Julian calendar, which is January 7th on the Gregorian calendar.

The difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars can be confusing, but it is important to remember that the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is based on the Julian calendar.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith throughout the year.

13 days behind the Gregorian calendar

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar. This is because the Julian calendar, which the Greek Orthodox Calendar is based on, is slightly longer than the Gregorian calendar. The Julian calendar is based on a solar year of 365.25 days, while the Gregorian calendar is based on a solar year of 365.2425 days. This difference of 0.0075 days per year means that the Julian calendar gradually drifts out of sync with the astronomical seasons.

The Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII to correct the errors of the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar includes a leap year every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400. This prevents the Gregorian calendar from drifting out of sync with the astronomical seasons.

The Greek Orthodox Church continues to use the Julian calendar for religious purposes. This is because the Julian calendar is more closely aligned with the traditional liturgical practices of the Orthodox Church. For example, the Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on December 25th according to the Julian calendar, which is January 7th on the Gregorian calendar.

The difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars can be confusing, but it is important to remember that the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith throughout the year.

Used by the Eastern Orthodox Church

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is used by the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church is a Christian church that is in communion with the Eastern Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople. It is the second-largest Christian church in the world, with over 200 million members.

  • The Eastern Orthodox Church is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world. It traces its roots back to the early days of Christianity, and it has played a major role in the development of Christian theology and liturgy.
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church is known for its rich liturgical tradition. The Orthodox liturgy is very elaborate and beautiful, and it is an important part of the spiritual life of Orthodox Christians.
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church is also known for its strong emphasis on tradition. Orthodox Christians believe that the Church has preserved the true faith that was handed down from the apostles, and they are very careful to maintain traditional practices.
  • The Eastern Orthodox Church is a vibrant and growing church. It is spreading rapidly in many parts of the world, and it is attracting new members from all walks of life.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Eastern Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith throughout the year.

Includes fasting periods

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 includes fasting periods. Fasting is a traditional Christian practice that involves abstaining from certain foods or beverages for spiritual reasons.

  • The most important fasting period in the Orthodox Church is Great Lent. Great Lent begins on Clean Monday and ends on Holy Saturday. During Great Lent, Orthodox Christians abstain from meat, dairy products, eggs, and fish. They also eat only one meal a day.
  • Other fasting periods in the Orthodox Church include the Nativity Fast, the Apostles’ Fast, and the Dormition Fast. These fasting periods are not as strict as Great Lent, but they still involve some restrictions on food and drink.
  • Fasting is an important part of Orthodox spirituality. It is a way to discipline the body and to focus on spiritual matters. Fasting also helps Orthodox Christians to prepare for important feasts and celebrations.
  • The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 includes fasting periods to help Orthodox Christians to live a life of faith and devotion.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith throughout the year.

Provides guidance for religious observances

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 provides guidance for religious observances. This includes information on when to attend church services, when to fast, and when to celebrate important feasts and holidays.

The Greek Orthodox Church has a rich liturgical tradition, and the calendar provides guidance on how to participate in the liturgical life of the Church. For example, the calendar indicates when different services are held, such as Matins, Vespers, and Divine Liturgy.

The calendar also provides guidance on fasting. Fasting is a traditional Christian practice that involves abstaining from certain foods or beverages for spiritual reasons. The Greek Orthodox Church has specific fasting periods throughout the year, and the calendar indicates when these periods begin and end.

Finally, the calendar provides guidance on when to celebrate important feasts and holidays. These feasts and holidays commemorate important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the history of the Church. The calendar indicates when these feasts and holidays are celebrated, and it also provides information on how to prepare for and celebrate them.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith throughout the year.

Important for Orthodox Christians

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is important for Orthodox Christians for a number of reasons.

  • It provides guidance for religious observances. Orthodox Christians rely on the calendar to know when to attend church services, when to fast, and when to celebrate important feasts and holidays.
  • It helps Orthodox Christians to stay connected to their faith. The calendar reminds Orthodox Christians of the important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the history of the Church. It also provides guidance on how to live a life of faith and devotion.
  • It fosters a sense of community among Orthodox Christians. The calendar is a shared resource that helps Orthodox Christians to feel connected to each other and to the wider Church.
  • It is a valuable resource for Orthodox Christian education. The calendar can be used to teach Orthodox Christians about the faith and its traditions.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances, helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith, fosters a sense of community, and is a valuable resource for Orthodox Christian education.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024:

Question 1: When does the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 begin?
Answer: The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 begins on September 1, 2023.

Question 2: When does the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 end?
Answer: The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 ends on August 31, 2024.

Question 3: What is the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars?
Answer: The Julian calendar is an older calendar that is based on a solar year of 365.25 days. The Gregorian calendar is a newer calendar that is based on a solar year of 365.2425 days. The Gregorian calendar also includes a leap year every four years, except for years that are divisible by 100 but not by 400.

Question 4: Why does the Greek Orthodox Church use the Julian calendar?
Answer: The Greek Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar because it is more closely aligned with the traditional liturgical practices of the Church.

Question 5: What are some of the major holidays in the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024?
Answer: Some of the major holidays in the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 include Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and the Dormition of the Theotokos.

Question 6: How can I use the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024?
Answer: The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 can be used to find out when religious observances will be held, when to fast, and when to celebrate important feasts and holidays.

Question 7: Where can I find more information about the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024?
Answer: More information about the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 can be found on the website of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

In addition to the FAQ section, here are some additional tips for using the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024:


Here are some tips for using the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024:

Tip 1: Keep the calendar in a convenient location. This will help you to refer to it regularly and to stay up-to-date on upcoming religious observances.

Tip 2: Use the calendar to plan your schedule. The calendar can help you to plan your schedule so that you can attend important religious observances and avoid scheduling conflicts.

Tip 3: Use the calendar to learn about the faith. The calendar can be a valuable resource for learning about the faith and its traditions. For example, you can use the calendar to learn about the lives of the saints and the history of the Church.

Tip 4: Share the calendar with others. The calendar can be a great way to share the Orthodox faith with others. You can give copies of the calendar to friends and family members, or you can post it on social media.

By following these tips, you can make the most of the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 and use it to enhance your spiritual life.

The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is a valuable resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances, helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith, fosters a sense of community, and is a valuable resource for Orthodox Christian education.


The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is a valuable resource for Orthodox Christians. It provides guidance for religious observances, helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith, fosters a sense of community, and is a valuable resource for Orthodox Christian education.

The main points of this article are as follows:

  • The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 begins on September 1, 2023, and ends on August 31, 2024.
  • The Greek Orthodox Calendar is based on the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar.
  • The Greek Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar for religious purposes because it is more closely aligned with the traditional liturgical practices of the Church.
  • The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 includes all of the major Christian holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost.
  • The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 also includes the names of saints and other important religious figures.
  • The Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is an important resource for Orthodox Christians because it provides guidance for religious observances and helps the faithful to stay connected to their faith.

In conclusion, the Greek Orthodox Calendar 2024 is a valuable resource for Orthodox Christians. It is a guide to the liturgical year and a source of spiritual inspiration.

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