Christy Awards 2024

Christy Awards 2024

The Christy Awards, established in 1999, are a prestigious recognition program honoring outstanding books and media productions that exemplify Christian values and uplift the human spirit. These awards aim to inspire and encourage authors, filmmakers, and other creatives to craft works that resonate with audiences, fostering spiritual growth and promoting positive change in society.

The 2024 Christy Awards will mark the 25th anniversary of this esteemed program. Over the years, the awards have recognized a diverse array of books and media that have touched the lives of millions worldwide. From compelling novels and non-fiction works to impactful documentaries and films, the Christy Awards have consistently celebrated excellence in storytelling and the power of media to inspire and uplift.

This year’s entries will be judged by a panel of renowned industry professionals and Christian thought leaders. The awards will be presented at the annual Christy Awards banquet, held during the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) International Christian Retail Show in May 2024.

Christy Awards 2024

The Christy Awards 2024, honoring excellence in Christian media, will celebrate its 25th anniversary.

  • Prestigious recognition for books and media
  • Established in 1999
  • Promotes Christian values and inspiration
  • Celebrates excellence in storytelling
  • Judged by industry experts and thought leaders
  • Presented at annual ECPA banquet
  • Open for entries now

The Christy Awards continue to inspire and encourage creatives to produce impactful works that resonate with audiences and foster positive change.

Prestigious recognition for books and media

The Christy Awards are widely recognized as a prestigious honor in the Christian media industry. They are highly sought after by authors, filmmakers, and other creatives who strive to create works that are both entertaining and uplifting.

Excellence in storytelling

The Christy Awards celebrate books and media that demonstrate exceptional storytelling abilities. The judges look for works that are well-written, engaging, and that resonate with audiences on a deep level.

Christian values and inspiration

At the heart of the Christy Awards is a commitment to recognizing works that exemplify Christian values and provide inspiration to readers and viewers. The judges seek out stories that uplift the spirit, promote positive change, and offer hope.

Impact on society

The Christy Awards also consider the impact that books and media have on society. The judges are interested in works that have the potential to make a positive difference in the world, whether by raising awareness of important issues, fostering compassion, or inspiring people to live more meaningful lives.

Diversity and inclusion

The Christy Awards are committed to diversity and inclusion. The judges strive to select works that represent a wide range of voices and perspectives, ensuring that the awards reflect the richness and diversity of the Christian community.

Winning a Christy Award is a significant achievement that can bring recognition, credibility, and increased exposure to authors and filmmakers. It is a testament to the quality and impact of their work, and it serves as an inspiration to others who are seeking to create meaningful and uplifting media.

Established in 1999

The Christy Awards were established in 1999 by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) to recognize outstanding books and media that exemplify Christian values and uplift the human spirit. The awards are named after Catherine Marshall Christy, a renowned Christian author and speaker who was known for her inspiring and uplifting works.

The first Christy Awards were presented in 2000, and since then, the awards have become a prestigious honor in the Christian media industry. Winning a Christy Award is a significant achievement that can bring recognition, credibility, and increased exposure to authors and filmmakers.

Over the years, the Christy Awards have recognized a diverse range of books and media, including novels, non-fiction works, documentaries, and films. The awards have celebrated works by both established and emerging authors and filmmakers, and they have helped to raise the profile of Christian media.

The Christy Awards are judged by a panel of industry experts and Christian thought leaders. The judges look for works that are well-written, engaging, and that exemplify Christian values. They also consider the impact that the works have on society, and they seek out stories that have the potential to make a positive difference in the world.

The Christy Awards continue to be a vital force in the Christian media industry. They provide recognition and encouragement to authors and filmmakers who are creating meaningful and uplifting works, and they help to promote Christian values and inspire positive change in society.

Promotes Christian values and inspiration

The Christy Awards are committed to promoting Christian values and providing inspiration to readers and viewers. The judges seek out works that exemplify the following values:


The Christy Awards celebrate works that demonstrate the power of love in all its forms, including love for God, love for neighbor, and love for self. They recognize stories that promote compassion, forgiveness, and reconciliation.


The Christy Awards seek to inspire hope in readers and viewers. They recognize works that offer a message of hope and encouragement, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. They celebrate stories that remind us that there is always light even in the darkest of times.


The Christy Awards believe that joy is an essential part of the Christian life. They recognize works that bring joy to readers and viewers, and that remind us of the abundant joy that is available to us through God.


The Christy Awards promote peace in all its forms, including peace with God, peace with others, and peace within oneself. They recognize works that help readers and viewers to find peace and healing in their lives.

The Christy Awards believe that these Christian values are essential for creating works that are both entertaining and uplifting. They are committed to recognizing and celebrating works that promote these values and that have the potential to make a positive impact on the world.

Celebrates excellence in storytelling

The Christy Awards are committed to celebrating excellence in storytelling. The judges look for works that are well-written, engaging, and that resonate with audiences on a deep level.

The awards recognize works in a variety of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and children’s literature. The judges are looking for stories that are both entertaining and thought-provoking, and that stay with readers and viewers long after they have finished the work.

The Christy Awards also consider the craft of storytelling. The judges are interested in works that demonstrate strong character development, compelling plots, and vivid settings. They are looking for works that use language effectively and that create a memorable and immersive experience for readers and viewers.

Ultimately, the Christy Awards are looking for works that tell stories that matter. The judges are seeking out works that have the potential to make a positive impact on the world, whether by raising awareness of important issues, fostering compassion, or inspiring people to live more meaningful lives.

The Christy Awards believe that excellence in storytelling is essential for creating works that are both entertaining and uplifting. They are committed to recognizing and celebrating works that demonstrate this excellence, and that have the potential to make a lasting impact on readers and viewers.

Judged by industry experts and thought leaders

The Christy Awards are judged by a panel of industry experts and Christian thought leaders. This panel is composed of authors, editors, publishers, filmmakers, and other professionals who are deeply knowledgeable about the Christian media industry.

Expertise and experience

The judges for the Christy Awards are carefully selected for their expertise and experience in the Christian media industry. They have a deep understanding of the industry’s standards and trends, and they are able to evaluate works with a discerning eye.

Diversity of perspectives

The Christy Awards judges represent a diversity of perspectives, including different denominations, backgrounds, and areas of expertise. This diversity ensures that the awards are judged fairly and that a wide range of voices are represented.

Commitment to Christian values

All of the Christy Awards judges are committed to Christian values. They believe that media has the power to uplift and inspire, and they are looking for works that exemplify these values.

Objectivity and fairness

The Christy Awards judges are committed to objectivity and fairness. They evaluate all works on their own merits, without regard to the author’s reputation or background. They are dedicated to selecting the best works that meet the criteria for the awards.

The Christy Awards judges play a vital role in ensuring the integrity and credibility of the awards. Their expertise, diversity, and commitment to Christian values ensure that the awards recognize the best works in the Christian media industry.

Presented at annual ECPA banquet

The Christy Awards are presented at an annual banquet held during the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (ECPA) International Christian Retail Show. The ECPA is a non-profit trade association that serves the Christian publishing industry.

Prestigious event

The ECPA banquet is a prestigious event that brings together leaders from the Christian publishing industry, as well as authors, filmmakers, and other creatives. The Christy Awards are presented at the banquet, which provides a platform for the recognition and celebration of excellence in Christian media.

Networking and recognition

The ECPA banquet provides an opportunity for attendees to network with other professionals in the Christian media industry. It is also an opportunity for authors and filmmakers to receive recognition for their work and to connect with potential readers and viewers.

Celebration of Christian media

The ECPA banquet is a celebration of Christian media. It is a time to come together as a community and to celebrate the works that are making a positive impact on the world.

Inspiration and encouragement

The ECPA banquet is an inspiring and encouraging event. It is a time to be reminded of the power of Christian media to uplift and inspire. It is also a time to be encouraged to continue creating works that make a difference in the world.

The Christy Awards banquet is a highlight of the Christian publishing industry calendar. It is a time to celebrate excellence, to network with other professionals, and to be inspired by the power of Christian media.

Open for entries now

The Christy Awards are now open for entries. Authors, filmmakers, and other creatives are invited to submit their works for consideration in the 2024 awards.


To be eligible for the Christy Awards, works must meet the following criteria:

  • The work must be a book, film, or other media production that was released in the previous year.
  • The work must be created by a Christian author, filmmaker, or other creative.
  • The work must exemplify Christian values and uplift the human spirit.

How to enter

Authors, filmmakers, and other creatives can submit their works for consideration through the Christy Awards website. The submission process is simple and straightforward, and it can be completed in a matter of minutes.


The deadline for entries is typically in the fall of each year. The exact deadline for the 2024 awards will be announced on the Christy Awards website.

Judging process

Once the entries have been submitted, they will be judged by a panel of industry experts and Christian thought leaders. The judges will evaluate the works based on the following criteria:

  • Excellence in storytelling
  • Christian values and inspiration
  • Impact on society
  • Diversity and inclusion

The Christy Awards are a prestigious honor in the Christian media industry. Winning a Christy Award can bring recognition, credibility, and increased exposure to authors and filmmakers. It is also a testament to the quality and impact of their work.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Christy Awards 2024:

Question 1: Who is eligible to enter the Christy Awards?
Answer: Authors, filmmakers, and other creatives who have created works that meet the eligibility criteria are invited to enter the Christy Awards. The work must be a book, film, or other media production that was released in the previous year, and it must be created by a Christian author, filmmaker, or other creative. The work must also exemplify Christian values and uplift the human spirit.

Question 2: How do I enter the Christy Awards?
Answer: Authors, filmmakers, and other creatives can submit their works for consideration through the Christy Awards website. The submission process is simple and straightforward, and it can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Question 3: What is the deadline for entries?
Answer: The deadline for entries is typically in the fall of each year. The exact deadline for the 2024 awards will be announced on the Christy Awards website.

Question 4: Who judges the Christy Awards?
Answer: The Christy Awards are judged by a panel of industry experts and Christian thought leaders. The judges are selected for their expertise and experience in the Christian media industry, and they are committed to objectivity and fairness.

Question 5: What are the criteria for judging the Christy Awards?
Answer: The judges evaluate the works based on the following criteria: excellence in storytelling, Christian values and inspiration, impact on society, and diversity and inclusion.

Question 6: What are the benefits of winning a Christy Award?
Answer: Winning a Christy Award is a prestigious honor that can bring recognition, credibility, and increased exposure to authors and filmmakers. It is also a testament to the quality and impact of their work.

Question 7: Where can I find more information about the Christy Awards?
Answer: More information about the Christy Awards can be found on the Christy Awards website.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

The Christy Awards are a prestigious honor that recognizes excellence in Christian media. If you have created a work that meets the eligibility criteria, we encourage you to enter the Christy Awards. The deadline for entries is typically in the fall of each year, so be sure to submit your work by the deadline.

In addition to the FAQ, we have also compiled a list of tips for submitting a successful entry to the Christy Awards. These tips can help you to increase your chances of winning an award.


Here are some tips for submitting a successful entry to the Christy Awards 2024:

Tip 1: Read the eligibility criteria carefully. Make sure that your work meets all of the eligibility criteria before you submit it. If your work is not eligible, it will not be considered for an award.

Tip 2: Submit your work early. The earlier you submit your work, the more time the judges will have to evaluate it. This will increase your chances of winning an award.

Tip 3: Proofread your work carefully. Make sure that your work is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. A well-written and polished work will make a better impression on the judges.

Tip 4: Highlight your work’s unique qualities. In your submission, be sure to highlight the unique qualities of your work. What sets it apart from other works in the same category? Why do you think it deserves to win an award?

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of winning a Christy Award. Remember, the Christy Awards are a prestigious honor that recognizes excellence in Christian media. If you have created a work that meets the eligibility criteria, we encourage you to submit it for consideration.

We hope that these tips have been helpful. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the Christy Awards team.


The Christy Awards 2024 are a prestigious honor that recognizes excellence in Christian media. The awards celebrate books and media that exemplify Christian values, uplift the human spirit, and make a positive impact on society.

The Christy Awards are open to authors, filmmakers, and other creatives who have created works that meet the eligibility criteria. The deadline for entries is typically in the fall of each year. The works are judged by a panel of industry experts and Christian thought leaders who evaluate the works based on the following criteria: excellence in storytelling, Christian values and inspiration, impact on society, and diversity and inclusion.

Winning a Christy Award is a significant achievement that can bring recognition, credibility, and increased exposure to authors and filmmakers. It is also a testament to the quality and impact of their work.

If you have created a work that meets the eligibility criteria, we encourage you to submit it for consideration for the Christy Awards 2024. The deadline for entries is typically in the fall of each year, so be sure to submit your work by the deadline.

We hope that the Christy Awards will continue to inspire and encourage authors, filmmakers, and other creatives to create works that make a positive impact on the world.

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