2024 Lakers Schedule

2024 Lakers Schedule

The Los Angeles Lakers have released their 2024 schedule, which features a challenging slate of games against some of the NBA’s top teams. The Lakers will open the season on October 15th at home against the Golden State Warriors, and will play their first road game on October 19th against the Sacramento Kings.

The Lakers will have a total of 82 games during the regular season, with 41 home games and 41 road games. They will play each of the other 29 NBA teams twice, once at home and once on the road.

2024 Lakers Schedule

Here are 9 important points about the 2024 Lakers schedule:

  • 82 total games
  • 41 home games
  • 41 road games
  • Open season on October 15th
  • Play Warriors in season opener
  • Play each NBA team twice
  • Challenging schedule
  • National TV games
  • Playoff implications

The Lakers will have a tough schedule in 2024, but they will also have the opportunity to play on national TV several times. The Lakers’ schedule will have a major impact on their playoff chances, so it is important for them to start the season strong.

82 total games

The Lakers will play a total of 82 games during the 2024 regular season, which is the standard number of games for all NBA teams. The season will begin on October 15th and end on April 15th, with each team playing 41 home games and 41 road games.

The Lakers’ schedule will be released in full later this summer, but we can expect them to play a challenging slate of games. They will face each of the other 29 NBA teams twice, once at home and once on the road. They will also play several nationally televised games, which will give them a chance to showcase their talents to a wider audience.

The Lakers’ schedule will have a major impact on their playoff chances. They will need to start the season strong and maintain a high level of play throughout the year in order to secure a spot in the playoffs. The Lakers have a talented roster, but they will need to play together as a team and stay healthy in order to achieve their goals.

The Lakers’ 82-game schedule will be a challenge, but it is also an opportunity for them to prove themselves as one of the best teams in the NBA. They will have the chance to play against the best players in the world and show what they are made of.

41 home games

The Lakers will play 41 home games during the 2024 regular season, which gives them a significant advantage over their opponents. Playing at home gives the Lakers a number of advantages, including:

  • Familiar surroundings: The Lakers are more comfortable playing in their own arena, where they are familiar with the court, the篮筐, and the crowd.
  • Fan support: The Lakers have a passionate fan base that will be cheering them on at every home game. This can give the Lakers a boost of energy and help them to win close games.
  • Less travel: Playing at home means that the Lakers do not have to travel, which can help them to stay fresh and avoid injuries.
  • Scheduling advantage: The Lakers can schedule their home games to their advantage. For example, they can schedule tough games at home on weekends, when they will have more fans in attendance.

The Lakers’ 41 home games will be a major advantage for them during the 2024 season. They will need to take advantage of their home-court advantage and win as many games as possible in order to secure a spot in the playoffs.

41 road games

The Lakers will play 41 road games during the 2024 regular season, which will be a challenge for the team. Playing on the road is always difficult, as teams have to deal with unfamiliar surroundings, hostile crowds, and the rigors of travel.

  • Unfamiliar surroundings: The Lakers will have to adjust to playing in different arenas, with different篮筐, and in front of different crowds. This can be a challenge for players, as they need to be able to focus on the game and not be distracted by their surroundings.
  • Hostile crowds: The Lakers will often face hostile crowds on the road, especially when they are playing against rival teams. This can make it difficult for the Lakers to communicate with each other and execute their game plan.
  • Rigors of travel: Traveling can be tiring, especially when teams have to play multiple games in a row. The Lakers will need to be able to manage their travel schedule and stay fresh in order to perform at their best on the road.
  • Scheduling disadvantage: The Lakers will have to play some of their toughest games on the road. This can be a disadvantage, as teams are often more tired and less prepared when they are playing away from home.

The Lakers’ 41 road games will be a challenge, but it is also an opportunity for them to prove themselves as a championship team. They will need to be able to win games on the road in order to secure a high playoff seed and make a deep run in the playoffs.

Open season on October 15th

The Lakers will open the 2024 regular season on October 15th at home against the Golden State Warriors. This will be a highly anticipated matchup, as the Warriors are one of the Lakers’ biggest rivals. The Lakers will be looking to start the season strong and make a statement to the rest of the league.

  • Home-court advantage: The Lakers will have the home-court advantage in their season opener, which will be a big advantage for them. They will be playing in front of their own fans and will be familiar with the court and the篮筐.
  • Tough opponent: The Warriors are one of the best teams in the NBA, so the Lakers will have to be at their best in order to win the season opener. This will be a good test for the Lakers and will give them a chance to see where they stand against one of the top teams in the league.
  • Statement game: The Lakers will be looking to make a statement to the rest of the league with their season opener. They will want to show that they are a contender and that they are ready to compete for a championship. A win over the Warriors would be a great way to start the season and send a message to the rest of the league.
  • Set the tone: The Lakers’ season opener will set the tone for the rest of the season. If they can win their first game, it will give them confidence and momentum going forward. A loss, on the other hand, could put the Lakers in a hole early in the season.

The Lakers’ season opener on October 15th will be a big game for the team. They will be looking to start the season strong and make a statement to the rest of the league.

Play Warriors in season opener

The Lakers will play the Golden State Warriors in their season opener on October 15th. This will be a highly anticipated matchup, as the Warriors are one of the Lakers’ biggest rivals. The Lakers will be looking to start the season strong and make a statement to the rest of the league, while the Warriors will be looking to avenge their loss to the Lakers in the 2023 NBA Finals.

  • Renewed rivalry: The Lakers and Warriors have a long and storied rivalry, and their season opener will be another chapter in this rivalry. The two teams have met in the NBA Finals six times, with the Lakers holding a 4-2 advantage. The Warriors will be looking to tie the series when they face the Lakers in the season opener.
  • Tough test: The Warriors are one of the best teams in the NBA, so the Lakers will have to be at their best in order to win the season opener. This will be a good test for the Lakers and will give them a chance to see where they stand against one of the top teams in the league.
  • Statement game: The Lakers will be looking to make a statement to the rest of the league with their season opener. They will want to show that they are a contender and that they are ready to compete for a championship. A win over the Warriors would be a great way to start the season and send a message to the rest of the league.
  • Set the tone: The Lakers’ season opener will set the tone for the rest of the season. If they can win their first game, it will give them confidence and momentum going forward. A loss, on the other hand, could put the Lakers in a hole early in the season.

The Lakers’ season opener against the Warriors will be a big game for the team. They will be looking to start the season strong and make a statement to the rest of the league. A win over the Warriors would be a great way to do that.

Play each NBA team twice

The Lakers will play each of the other 29 NBA teams twice during the 2024 regular season, once at home and once on the road. This is a common format for NBA schedules, and it ensures that all teams play each other an equal number of times.

  • Balanced schedule: Playing each team twice creates a balanced schedule for the Lakers. They will not have to play any team more than twice, and they will not have to play any team less than twice. This ensures that the Lakers have a fair chance to win and lose against every team in the league.
  • Variety of opponents: Playing each team twice gives the Lakers a chance to face a variety of opponents. They will play against teams from different conferences, different divisions, and different styles of play. This will help the Lakers to prepare for the playoffs, where they could face any team in the league.
  • Home and away games: Playing each team twice also ensures that the Lakers will have an equal number of home and away games. This is important for the Lakers, as they have a strong home-court advantage. Playing an equal number of home and away games will help the Lakers to maintain a consistent record throughout the season.
  • Rivalries: Playing each team twice also allows for the development of rivalries. The Lakers have a long history of rivalries with certain teams, such as the Boston Celtics and the Golden State Warriors. Playing these teams twice during the regular season will help to keep these rivalries alive.

The Lakers’ schedule is designed to be balanced and fair. Playing each team twice will give the Lakers a chance to compete against a variety of opponents and prepare for the playoffs.

Challenging schedule

The Lakers’ 2024 schedule is shaping up to be one of the most challenging in the NBA. They will face a number of tough opponents, including the defending champion Golden State Warriors, the Boston Celtics, the Milwaukee Bucks, and the Phoenix Suns. The Lakers will also have to play a number of back-to-back games and four-game road trips, which will test their depth and stamina.

One of the biggest challenges for the Lakers will be their road schedule. They will play 21 of their first 35 games on the road, including a five-game road trip in November and a four-game road trip in December. The Lakers will also have to play four back-to-back games in January and three back-to-back games in March.

In addition to their tough road schedule, the Lakers will also face a number of tough opponents at home. They will play the Warriors, Celtics, Bucks, and Suns twice each at home, and they will also face the Toronto Raptors, Philadelphia 76ers, and Miami Heat at home. The Lakers will need to be at their best in order to win these games and maintain a high playoff seed.

The Lakers’ challenging schedule will be a good test for the team. They will need to be able to win games on the road, win games against tough opponents, and stay healthy in order to make a deep playoff run.

National TV games

The Lakers will play a number of nationally televised games during the 2024 regular season. These games will be broadcast on networks such as ESPN, TNT, and ABC, and they will give the Lakers a chance to showcase their talents to a wider audience.

  • Increased exposure: Playing on national TV will give the Lakers increased exposure and help them to build their brand. This is especially important for a team like the Lakers, who have a large and passionate fan base.
  • More revenue: National TV games generate more revenue for the Lakers than regular-season games. This is because national TV networks pay a higher rights fee to broadcast these games. The Lakers can use this additional revenue to improve their team and build their brand.
  • Higher expectations: Playing on national TV comes with higher expectations. The Lakers will be expected to perform well in these games and to win. This can be a challenge, but it is also an opportunity for the Lakers to show what they are made of.
  • More pressure: Playing on national TV can also be more pressure-packed for the Lakers. They will be under the scrutiny of a larger audience and will be expected to perform at their best. This can be a challenge, but it can also help the Lakers to grow and improve as a team.

The Lakers’ national TV schedule will be announced later this summer. However, we can expect them to play a number of high-profile games on national TV, including games against the Golden State Warriors, the Boston Celtics, and the Milwaukee Bucks.

Playoff implications

The Lakers’ 2024 schedule will have a major impact on their playoff chances. The Lakers will need to start the season strong and maintain a high level of play throughout the year in order to secure a spot in the playoffs.

  • Strength of schedule: The Lakers’ strength of schedule will be a major factor in determining their playoff chances. The Lakers will play a number of tough opponents during the regular season, including the Golden State Warriors, the Boston Celtics, and the Milwaukee Bucks. The Lakers will need to perform well against these teams in order to improve their playoff seeding.
  • Home-court advantage: The Lakers will need to take advantage of their home-court advantage during the regular season. The Lakers have a strong home record, and they will need to win as many games as possible at home in order to secure a high playoff seed.
  • Avoiding injuries: The Lakers will need to avoid injuries during the regular season. Injuries can derail a team’s playoff chances, and the Lakers will need to stay healthy in order to make a deep playoff run.
  • Finishing strong: The Lakers will need to finish the regular season strong in order to secure a high playoff seed. The Lakers will need to win as many games as possible down the stretch in order to improve their playoff positioning.

The Lakers’ 2024 schedule will be a challenge, but it is also an opportunity for them to prove themselves as one of the best teams in the NBA. The Lakers will need to play well against tough opponents, take advantage of their home-court advantage, avoid injuries, and finish the regular season strong in order to secure a high playoff seed.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the 2024 Lakers schedule:

Question 1: When does the Lakers’ regular season start?
Answer: The Lakers’ regular season starts on October 15th, 2024.

Question 2: How many games will the Lakers play during the regular season?
Answer: The Lakers will play 82 games during the regular season, 41 at home and 41 on the road.

Question 3: Who will the Lakers play in their season opener?
Answer: The Lakers will play the Golden State Warriors in their season opener on October 15th, 2024.

Question 4: How many nationally televised games will the Lakers play?
Answer: The Lakers’ national TV schedule has not been released yet, but they are expected to play a number of high-profile games on national TV.

Question 5: What is the Lakers’ strength of schedule?
Answer: The Lakers’ strength of schedule will be one of the toughest in the NBA. They will play a number of tough opponents, including the Golden State Warriors, the Boston Celtics, and the Milwaukee Bucks.

Question 6: What are the Lakers’ playoff chances?
Answer: The Lakers’ playoff chances will depend on a number of factors, including their strength of schedule, their ability to stay healthy, and their performance down the stretch. However, the Lakers have a talented roster and they should be considered one of the contenders in the Western Conference.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the 2024 Lakers schedule. More information will be released later this summer.

In addition to the FAQ, here are a few tips for following the Lakers’ schedule:


Here are a few tips for following the Lakers’ 2024 schedule:

1. Check the official NBA website or app.
The NBA website and app are the best places to find the Lakers’ complete schedule, including dates, times, and opponents.

2. Set reminders on your phone or calendar.
Setting reminders will help you to stay on top of the Lakers’ schedule and avoid missing any games.

3. Follow the Lakers on social media.
The Lakers’ social media accounts are a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest news and schedule changes.

4. Sign up for email alerts.
You can sign up for email alerts from the Lakers’ website to receive the latest news and schedule updates directly to your inbox.

Following these tips will help you to stay on top of the Lakers’ 2024 schedule and make sure that you don’t miss any of the action.

The Lakers’ 2024 schedule is shaping up to be one of the most challenging in the NBA. However, the Lakers have a talented roster and they should be considered one of the contenders in the Western Conference. By following the tips above, you can stay up-to-date on the Lakers’ schedule and make sure that you don’t miss any of the action.


The Lakers’ 2024 schedule is shaping up to be one of the most challenging in the NBA. They will face a number of tough opponents, including the Golden State Warriors, the Boston Celtics, and the Milwaukee Bucks. The Lakers will also have to play a number of back-to-back games and four-game road trips, which will test their depth and stamina.

However, the Lakers have a talented roster and they should be considered one of the contenders in the Western Conference. They have a good mix of young players and veterans, and they are led by LeBron James, one of the greatest players in NBA history. The Lakers will need to stay healthy and play together as a team in order to reach their full potential.

The Lakers’ 2024 schedule will be a challenge, but it is also an opportunity for them to prove themselves as one of the best teams in the NBA. They will need to play well against tough opponents, take advantage of their home-court advantage, avoid injuries, and finish the regular season strong in order to secure a high playoff seed.

The Lakers are one of the most popular and successful teams in the NBA, and their fans are passionate and loyal. The Lakers’ 2024 schedule will be a challenging one, but the Lakers have the talent and the experience to overcome any obstacle. Lakers fans should be excited for the upcoming season and期待 seeing their team compete for a championship.

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